COVID-19, Real Estate 2020 & You: The Right Realtors Offer Some Insight

COVID-19: So where are you today? Literally, physically, mentally? Secretly happy you have enough canned goods and supplies to survive for months? Wondering why there is a rush on grocery stores? Or somewhere in between? Personally, I oscillate between worrying about the fate of all humankind (too many Terminator movies!) to laughing at Facebook memes and grateful for the comic relief. Somewhere in there is the truth and reality of what is happening. If only we all had the proverbial crystal ball to know what the future will bring. Wait. Perhaps we do. We cannot know WHERE we will be in a few months. But we can certainly choose WHO we will be. This will obviously be different for all of you. For me, it means reaching out, being there for those who want to cry or laugh, sing praises not the blues, calling those in lockdown, and genuinely being good to my family, friends and community. John and I are on the other end of the phone if you need us!

REAL ESTATE 2020: It would be naïve of us to say that the Coronavirus won’t have an effect on the real estate market. But to what degree? We cannot know the extent of company layoffs which would likely slow down the market. However, two factors will offer a strong defense against the virus: Low interest rates and continued low inventory. Our buyers need to purchase a home that is a better fit for their family. Our sellers still have plans to move. The difference will be the smaller percentage of seasonal buyers and sellers who usually test the market this time of year. They may decide to stay put for now. Each situation, home, price point, location, will vary. So please call on us to walk through what this means for you specifically.

YOU: Remember those things you said you would accomplish, the family time you would enjoy, the organizing you would finally do, etc., etc., if you just had more time? I would imagine that with so many events cancelled, you just got that precious time you asked for. Do what you can to make the best of this!

I wanted to leave you here with a quote. Something inspired. Oh goodness, but how to accomplish this without being considered political, spiritual, too casual, too ideological or anything else less universal? So many wonderful words of wisdom from so many wonderful sources! Find one that fits you right now. Something that inspires you, strengthens you, encourages you through this uncertainty. You are welcome to borrow mine for now: “Give yourself what you need, Sing a song (it’ll make your day). Smile, smile, smile and believe, Sing a song (it’ll make a way)” by Earth Wind and Fire.

Most Sincerely,
Kristin and John, Your Friends, Your Family, Your Realtors, Your Community